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Mindful Marketing: How to write an authentic sales page

Far too often marketing seems bold and pushy. Not every entrepreneur feels comfortable with that and very assertive sales copy doesn’t suit all brands and products. Especially as a mindful business owner you want to sell your services without putting too much pressure on your clients? Instead of empty claims you’d love to communicate your message through conscious marketing? Then keep on reading, ‚cause writing an authentic sales page isn’t as hard as you might think.

How to write a sales page that actually converts?

Writing your own sales page, you might ask yourself how to find a voice that feels personal and sounds like you while successfully selling your products at the same time. Well, let me tell you straight away, unfortunately there’s no one size fits all solution that works for every company and every service.

Yet, there definitely are certain tips and guidelines you should follow in order to write a sales page that actually converts. So find out how to boost your sales without any aggressive marketing strategies.

5 tips for writing an authentic sales page:

1. Know your audience

Regardless to your marketing strategy, you won’t sell successfully if you don’t know your target group. After all, you’re writing your sales page for your clients. Of course you want to inform about your services as detailed as possible. But make sure that your sales copy doesn’t revolve around you entirely. Aside from all the amazing features of your product you should direct the focus on to your clients.

To build a personal relation and above all trust, you need to know and understand your audience in order to reach them with your words. Think about the challenges they are facing and what they want to achieve. Your service should provide exactly the solution your clients need, wether they already know it or not. Only when you’re writing your sales page exactly for your clients, your copy will sound personal and will successfully convert.

2. convince WITH your personality and values

No matter if you’re selling services or products, most likely you’re not the only one hitting the market. It might seem challenging to stand out against your competitors. But, your personality, story and values make your business unique. Your sales copy should reflect that, in order to convince your clients.

The wide world of online marketing is often loud and overwhelming, especially for rather introverted solopreneurs. It often is hard not to compare yourself and to shake the feeling that you have to tag along with everything that others are doing, even though you might not feel comfortable.

Above all, if you really want to stand out, you definitely shouldn’t change or pretend. You don’t have to shout, if your message is strong. It will convince your ideal clients. Introverted, perceptive freelancers can be very successful with mindful sales copy. Therefore, stay true to who you are and stick to your values and beliefs.

3. Communicate your why and build trust

Of course you’re the expert in your field and that’s exactly what you need to show your potential clients. While writing your sales page let them know that you not only understand and recognize their challenges, but that you also hold the answer to their problems. This is how you build a personal connection to your audience and amplify their trust in your services.

And don’t forget to share your why – why are you doing what you’re doing? Why did you build your services and what’s your motivation? You already know how great your business is – your audience needs to know as well. But then again, even though you’re writing about yourself and your business, still keep the focus on your clients.

Sales Page Writing Authentic Marketing

4. Rely on truth and transparency

Only if your sales page benefits you and your clients, it is truly successful. Your number one goal is that your customers consciously and well-informed choose your offer. That way your marketing is sustainable and will bring you happy and loyal customers.

Always communicate honestly and transparently. Proudly present how amazing your services are but do not exaggerate. If you stick to the facts your copy will be convincing and authentic. Of course you can put these facts into beautiful words but stay away from empty phrases and clichés.

Write as specific and easy as possible. That way your potential customers feel well-informed and they will more likely put their trust in you. I’m pretty sure that especially conscious purchases guarantee satisfaction and success – for you as well as for your clients.

5. Empathy over pressure

Did you ever regret a purchase you made? Well, I surely did. In hindsight this mostly happened when I bought something out of an impulse or when I felt pressured through sales, limited stock or toxic marketing that triggered fomo. What often remains is nothing more than guilt, anger and discontent. And we definitely don’t want our clients to feel that way, do we?

If you want more than quick sales and you’d rather gain longterm happy clients, you better implement a marketing strategy that is sustainable. Instead of aggressive, pushy advertisement that drives sales mainly through pressure, convince your audience with honest, mindful and empathic words.

Show them that you know exactly how they feel and what they need. Give them time and transparent information to allow them to make a conscious decision for your services. Mindful sales copy will not only boost your sales it will also help your customers. In the long run your business will grow and your customers will be satisfied.

Sustainable marketing – gentle/smooth copy successfully sells too

Branding, marketing and advertisement don’t always have to be bold and pushy. Especially holistic services and sustainable brands benefit a lot from honest and transparent sales copy consistent with their values. And most importantly: If your message is strong, you don’t have to pretend in order to successfully sell your services.

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